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This week I’m participating in a Blog Hop with other Soul Mate Authors where you will have the chance to win books and a grand prize of a Kindle.

Today, I’ve got a trivia post about The Nun and the Narc, a never seen before excerpt, and a chance to win a copy of the EPIC contest action/adventure romance finalist (and inspirational) novel The Nun and the Narc.


The Nun and the Narc will be given to one randomly drawn (from the hat) lucky U.S. reader who leaves a comment on this blog post during February 24 through February 28. You must leave an email address with your comment in order to be eligible to win.

In addition to my blog prize, hop on over to Cheryl’s Place to To Enter to play for the Grand Prize visit http://www.cherylyeko.com/ and to discover other authors who are participating in the HOP—the more entries, the higher your chances of winning the Grand Price.

The GRAND PRIZE will be drawn from the Rafflecopter entries at Cheryl’s Place – for a Kindle on March 1st.

Today’s post is a quickie with some fun facts about my book The Nun and the Narc INSERT BOOK COVER HERE AND LINK TO AMAZON

  • Sister Margaret Mary did not start with the name Margaret. Originally, I had named her Mary Margaret, but the hero kept calling her Maggie and I was force to change      her name.
  • In the marketplace the good sister chows down on a Mexican delicacy that I wouldn’t eat even if I was starving—chile powdered covered, deep-fried grasshoppers called chapulines.
  • The marionette with the Fu Manchu mustache mentioned in the marketplace scene is based on a Mexican marionette I once owned. I had a male and female marionette and loved making them  dance for my young daughter.
  • In the market place Sister Margaret Mary hears an off-key polka-like tune played by a Mexican band. Polka music in Mexico? you say. Yep. This type of music had its origins in Texas around 1830 and spread back to Mexico where it become popular. Click  here  to hear a sample of the kind of music Sister Margret might have heard in the marketplace.
  • While I created the marketplace scene, which you can read about, in the online sample at Amazon, I played a CD of this type of music to get in the Mexican mood. Since I normally work in silence this was quite a departure for me.

Excerpt from The Nun and the Narc available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble

Her heart sank. Two hours in the mountains might as well have been on the moon. It wouldn’t have mattered if she’d been watching the road. Directionally challenged as she was, she could never find her way back without major signposts and markers.

Lord, if you get me out of here, I’ll offer up two months of novenas.

She’d hoped Jed would know where they were. She pushed the thought aside. They’d get out. They had to. She had to believe. Best not to think about something she couldn’t fix.

“Would it be too much to ask just who you are, Mr. Jed-Jethro-Baronne-Bond, the third?” she asked, changing the subject.

“I could ask the same of you, Maggie Margaret O’Connor.”

“And that’s another thing! Stop calling me Maggie! I hate that name.”

He stood, picked up a strand of her red-gold hair, twisting it in his fingers. “I like it. You look like a Maggie to me. Fire in your hair. Fire in your green-gold eyes. A proper Irish-Catholic combination if you ask me.”

She disentangled his fingers from her hair. His touch unsettled her. “I didn’t ask you. But I did ask who you are. Mr. Bond or Mr. Baronne?”

“I’m a man of many names,” he said with a shrug. “You can just call me Jed, darling. It goes better with our cover story.”

Margaret sat down on the swaybacked bed. “And just why do we need a cover story?”

“Because we are in a Mexican drug lord’s stronghold and our stories need to gel.”

“I’ve always believed the truth is easier to tell,” she said primly. “You don’t have to remember which lie you’ve told to which person.”

“In my business, I think the truth is better hidden.”

If he meant to keep her off balance he’d succeeded. Aliases, drug lord scares, car chases, and flying bullets. And to top it off, she only understood a few words of any given conversation.

Could she believe him, or even trust him? She doubted she had much of a chance with the rest of this cast of characters.

“And that business would be . . . drugs?”

Jed spread his hands out in front of his chest, palms facing her. “Guess you caught me. A little drug deal that went bad.”

Caught, yes. But she doubted the little part. If a drug buy was what had gone down, why had the local drug lord taken after them like they were the FBI? No, there was more to this than met the eye–a lot more.

I hope you enjoyed these fun facts I’d love to know what you think of the Mexican polka and Sister Margaret’s crunchy snack, or the never-before-seen excerpt. Leave a comment to be entered to win the prize, listed below, that I’m offering on my blog, and don’t forget to HOP to Cheryl’s blog http://www.cherylyeko.com/ to enter for the Blog Hop’s grand prize.

Links for participating author’s websites will be available at Cheryl’s Place. Visit participating author’s to learn about all the different ways to win in this Blog Hop Giveaway Contest.

The contest runs from Monday, February 24th Through Friday, February 28th.

Thank you for Visiting and Enjoy the Hop!