Guest Blog Information-Wednesday Writers

Hi, and Welcome to Catherine Castle’s Wednesday Writers blog series.   If you are interested in being a part of this blog series, and haven’t received an invitation from me, you can contact me via the contact page on my website, Please, do not send any posts until you have been assigned a post date.

This blog series about some aspect of your book and includes a book excerpt. Your book is the main feature of this series. I do promote most genres but ask that any books promoted are clean, with no bad language. If your book is a romance, I’d like to be a sweet romance (no open door love scenes) If you are unsure of your book’s heat level, please ask and I can help you decide if it will fit my parameters. On occasion I do host an author whose book might be a bit on the sensual side. If I decide your book needs it, I will post a warning to readers of sweet romance if I feel your book might need it. Occasionally I may need to edit a post for length or content. If I feel it needs too much editing I may not be able to accept the post.

For an idea of what kind of posts I’m looking for you can check out the blog series Wednesday Writers by searching on search bar at the top of this page.

Here’s what I need from you should you be accepted for a guest blog slot:

In a SINGLE word document, I need the following:

  1. Your blog post of 250-600 words about some aspect of your book. This can be a “story behind the story” post, a bit of interesting research you discovered while writing the book, a character interview, or any other interesting post that relates to the book you are promoting. Get creative. Or if you wish you can just give me an excerpt with bio, book links, etc. You can also ask for an author interview. The last option will be limited as I don’t want more than one author interview in a month. If you are including photos, other than your book cover, in your post, please indicate which picture goes where. Any pictures besides your head shot and book cover need to be ones you have taken or in the public domain. Please include the links to your public domain pictures.
  2. Your book blurb, book genre, heat level if appropriate. Please keep in mind that my brand is sweet and inspirational, so if your book has open door loves scenes or a lot of language, it might not be acceptable for my readers. If you are uncertain about your book, please ask for further clarification.  If there are not a lot of the aforementioned items I can post a warning to sweet readers so they will not be shocked if they pick up your book.
  3. A short excerpt. All excerpts must be PG as that is the rating of my blog site. Also, please keep in mind that I try to keep the entire post and excerpt 1500 words or less, so I may need to edit for length.
  4. A short bio.
  5. Buy link(s) for the book you are promoting.
  6. Your website link.
  7. THREE additional social media links you want to include.. Please hyperlink the URL (that starts with the http://) to the social media words that best represent the site. E.I Facebook, Blog, Twitter , etcetera. Often the link that contains the http beginning is embedded in a longer word link when you copy from the internet and WordPress doesn’t like that long word link and will refuse to link to your sites or books. If you send more than 3 social media links, I will winnow the choices down to 3 for you, usually to Facebook, Twitter,  and one other social media site.

Please combine the items listed above into one Word document, in the order listed so it will be easier for me to load. POST, BLURB, EXCERPT, BUY LINKS, BIO SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS.

In addition to the word document, please send your book cover, head shot, and any photos you want included in your post as separate jpgs. Please make your pictures as small as possible when sending as WordPress often has trouble loading if they are close to, or larger than, a MB. This will help me so I don’t have to do extra work to reduce them.

Please send all of the required documents to me at least two weeks before your blog date. Earlier is fine. When I have the blog scheduled and have a permalink, I will send it to you.  The permalink you receive will go live at 1 a.m. on the day of your scheduled post. If you try to access the post before then WordPress will tell you it’s not there.

The post will go out to my social media outlets: FB, Twitter, Goodreads, Amazon Author page, but please post on yours as well to help insure you have guests. I will retweet your post several times on the scheduled day or throughout the week to help promote you. If you include your twitter handle I will put it in the tweet so you will receive the tweet.

If you don’t already follow me on any of my social media platforms, please consider doing so on the platform of your choice. You can find me at:

Catherine’s blog:

Catherine’s Amazon author page:

Catherine’s Goodreads page:

Twitter:    @AuthorCCastle


Google+ :

To make it easier to know when you have a comment on your post, click the “notify me of comments via email” box in the bottom of the comment box before you hit publish on the first comment you make on the blog. After doing so, you will receive an email notification every time someone leaves a comment on your post. Or just follow my blog and you can get the posts delivered directly to your email box.

Thanks, and I’m looking forward to hosting you.

Catherine Castle