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TheNunAndTheNarc2_850I just finished an extensive blog tour with Goddess Fish for my book The Nun and the Narc. While I had a number of guest spots on other blogs, they were not as intensive as this tour was, and I learned a few things along the way. I thought I’d share them with my readers. I hope you’ll find them of value.

1. Be prepared to spend a lot of time answering questions for interviews. Making an interesting and non-repetitive interview takes more time that you might think.
2. Keep a log of what you’ve said in your interviews so you don’t constantly repeat the same things. Readers like new info.
3. Be selective. Don’t spill everything in the first interview or you won’t have fresh information for the next forty interviews. If you have six authors you love, don’t name them all. Spread them around for some variety.
4. Be prepared to write blog posts about all kinds of things: personal info (within limits of course), professional (writing related), and about your book.
5. Blog posts actually bring in more traffic than interviews after you’ve been on a book tour for a while. They provide fresher content.
6. Speaking of fresh content, don’t reuse things you’ve written on other blogs when guest blogging. Reposting to your site might be okay, but your hostess will want something new.
7. If you don’t want to put fresh content on your site the day you are guest hosting, try putting a paragraph from your guest post, to hook your blog readers, and a link for them to click over to your guest post and read the rest of the post. Encourage them to leave a comment on the guest post, too.
8. If you choose to put fresh content on your site the day you are guest blogging, don’t think you have to write 1,000 words. Consider writing tips, or quotes that your reader might like and let them know you are guest blogging elsewhere that day and provide a link to the guest blog spot.
9. Make sure you comment follow on every site so you’ll get email updates and know when your followers or potential followers have commented. I followed a couple of sites via email, and the traffic in my inbox became overwhelming because I got every new post the site put up. They did several each day! By comment following on your post only, you will only get content related to your post. It still counts as a follower for your host, too.
10. Make sure you thank your hostess for having you and reply to any comments you receive. Your hostess will be happy because she won’t have to do your job. I had one hostess thank me for actually showing up. Apparently, she’d had other guests who didn’t bother to come to their own party. I was surprised, because I thought the point of guest blogging was to show up, have fun, and get to know your guests. Potential readers want to interact with you.

That’s my ten hints for today. Have you done a blog tour? If so what did you learn?